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"Ralph + Smith were initially procured for a concept phase design but their expertise in managing design development and professional relationships with client and technical teams meant that I retained their skills until the end of the project.

Ralph + Smith were a respected professional associate that ensured the College delivered upon the vision of the hub, and although use is relatively in its infancy, student feedback is very positive."

Chris Andrews | Estates Manager | Trinity College

Ralph + Smith designed the new student bar along Trinity Street, Cambridge providing an off-site facility for resident students to eat, meet and socialise.

The brief was to create a student friendly space, with touch down spaces to work and socialise. The bar as the focus of the space was an existing feature we adapted to suit the new design finishes.

Our Roles

Space Planning


3D Visualisation

FF&E Specification

Furniture Specification


Trinity College | Portsdown

Trinity College | Portsdown





Education | Hospitality

Education | Hospitality

Newton’s Cradle